The Voldemort aka the divisive power seeker
In the intriguing world of Inner Villain archetypes, we encounter another compelling character—Voldemort, also known as the Fear-Driven Divider. As a Type Six in the Enneagram, Voldemort's journey is marked by a relentless quest for power and safety, often at the cost of creating divisions and hierarchies. This article delves into the layers of Voldemort's villainy, from his relentless pursuit of safety through hierarchy to his ultimate path to redemption.
The Quest for Safety: At the heart of Voldemort's character is an unyielding desire for safety and control. He is willing to do almost anything to establish a hierarchy, empire, or structure that he believes will secure the safety and continuation of everything he holds dear. What drives this insatiable quest for safety, and how does it lead to a divisive approach to life?
The Belief in an Unsafe World: In the first stage, Voldemort firmly believes that the world is not safe. This belief drives him to assess risks and make changes to ensure what he perceives as the safest outcome. How does this belief shape his actions and the way he views the world?
Becoming a Persecutor: In the second stage, Voldemort may resort to becoming a persecutor, using information to induce anxiety in others. He often employs fear tactics, such as sharing alarming statistics, to create a sense of impending danger. How does this behavior further his divisive nature and maintain a power dynamic?
Enforcing Hierarchies: As Voldemort enters the third stage, he becomes dedicated to enforcing hierarchies in his life, much like he did when creating a group to support his ideology. He does so out of a profound fear of death and the need for power to avoid it. How do these enforced hierarchies perpetuate his division-based approach?
The Path to Redemption: Voldemort's redemption lies in acknowledging the fallacy of complete safety and the inherent division that arises from a relentless pursuit of power. It is the realization that safety is an illusion, and hierarchies meant to protect can ultimately lead to division. How can one transcend this fear-driven approach and embrace unity?
Conclusion: Voldemort, the Fear-Driven Divider, is a multifaceted inner villain driven by a relentless quest for safety and power. By unraveling the layers of his character, we can gain insights into the dynamics of fear and division in our lives. In future articles, we will explore strategies for breaking free from the grasp of this inner villain and working toward a more harmonious and inclusive sense of self. Stay tuned for valuable insights!