THE THANOS aka righteous bully
In the intricate world of Inner Villain archetypes, we encounter a compelling character—Thanos, also known as the Protector of Ideals, the Righteous Bully. As an Enneagram Type Eight, Thanos is a complex persona representing a God wound. He symbolizes the struggle with the lack of control and the fervent desire to safeguard those who align with his vision while relentlessly challenging and even destroying anyone who deviates from his ideology. This article delves into the layers of Thanos's villainy, exploring his God complex, savior complex, and his evolution from protector to a seeker of understanding and love.
1. The God Complex:
In his darkest form, Thanos exhibits a God complex, believing he alone understands and embodies the world's true vision. He is unwavering in his pursuit to protect those who share his ideals while ruthlessly condemning those who do not. How does this God complex manifest, and what drives his relentless pursuit of control?
2. The Evolution of Protection:
In the first stage, Thanos sees himself as a protector, dedicated to shielding his family and those around him. He believes in the noble cause of safeguarding people. However, as he delves deeper, he realizes the impossibility of protecting everyone, leading to a more selective form of protection. How does this evolution from protector to a defender of ideals shape his character?
3. The Desire for Destruction:
As Thanos enters the second stage, he becomes compelled to determine who the victims and persecutors are according to his vision of protection. He feels driven to destroy anyone who does not conform to his ideology. How does this desire for destruction reflect his inner conflict and his unyielding pursuit of his vision?
4. The Path to Redemption:
Thanos's path to redemption involves a profound shift in understanding. It centers on recognizing the fallacy of his ideology and the impossibility of protecting everyone. He learns that the only true response is love and understanding. How can Thanos come to terms with the limitations of his control and embrace a more empathetic view of the world?
Thanos, the Protector of Ideals, represents a multi-layered inner villain struggling with the desire for control and protection. By unraveling the layers of his character, we can gain insights into the dynamics of ideals, protection, and the quest for understanding. In future articles, we will explore strategies for breaking free from the grasp of this inner villain and fostering a more compassionate and empathetic sense of self. Stay tuned for valuable insights!
Check out the following Righteous Bully Tune: