What if you could experience a deep, balanced, magical life?
Do you want to travel your own, bespoke path into your joyful, magical, healthy, ease-filled life?
Balance is Power.
Balance is Health.
Balance is Joy.
What is missing in your quest for total health?
Shifted your diet, hacked your brain, gone to endless therapy and you still can’t seem to shift past the blocks you perceive? There is magic, joy, and wonder awaiting you, and all it takes is a couple of clicks of your kaleidoscopic perspective in life for an entirely different experience. Lasting health, wealth, divine timing, and abundance are closer than you think, and it is all a matter of balance.
This isn’t the balance given to us by physical practices alone. You can eat right, exercise right meditate right, and still find that something isn’t right. Because you are more than just your physical body and your mind.
When we take the WHOLE SYSTEM OF BODIES (yes, we have more than jsut a physical body) into account and seek balance there, we find True Energetic Balance.
True Energetic Balance magnifies your presence in the world like nothing else can because it brings the entire universe into your body for your use.
You could have strong faith, but no emotional balance, and find that your faith falls short.
You could rely entirely on your intellect and find that your energy levels are lacking to sustain you through the day and you are overly reliant on stimulants.
You could find yourself with a chronic illness that may be present to correct an energetic imbalance in a way that causes disease instead of health.
All of these are examples of imbalanced energetic systems that are seeking True Balance.
True Energetic Balance is a way to do anything by embodying all your capabilities. Not just physical, but emotional, spiritual, sexual, karmic and mental. It creates ease, and joy and allows you to stop weaponizing your own past in your present experience.
Do anything? Yep.
Are you short on new ideas? Learn to tap into the creative river of ideas and navigate it to understand what is the next new thing.
Are you taking care of elderly parents and wanting to navigate the end of life? Tap into lucid dreaming techniques and caretaking processing to rejuvenate yourself and catch a glimpse of what sits beyond the veil.
Are you seeking to strengthen your relationship with a significant other or an inner part of yourself that you have always been at odds with? Tap into your divine polarity using simple practices that speak to your soul and spirit.
Do you feel that you walk out of step with others, and cannot connect in the way you truly wish? Learn to commune with others in the Big Self, that embodied view that seeks to go deep to find a connection wherever it may lie.
Are you an overthinker, or neurodivergent and always jumping from one thing to the next without stopping to relax and enjoy life? We can get more done by using our emotional and spiritual capacities do the heavy lifting, and get better outcomes as well.
If any of these speaks to you, Embodied Balance Practicums are the answer.
Embodied Balance Potent Practicums is not your typical self-improvement program because it doesn’t use your typical tools.
This isn’t about productivity or hacking or disciplining yourself to the point of pain.
This is about PLAY.
Play is using your intuitive gifts, and a deep understanding of the working of energy and the universe to unlock your full potential.
Whether it is lucid dreaming, guided journeys, heart-mind coherence, energy healing, dowsing, expanding your faith, or exploring the inner worlds of the universe— Play asks one thing — that we use our inner guidance to correct the imbalances and achieve holistic health for mind, body, and soul.
Each practicum is custom designed and guided by Kristina to help you tap into your true potential and create meaningful change in your life.
It is more than physical:
We can change our diet, and keep regimented exercise routines, but until we learn what is stopping us from naturally relaxing and achieving the balance that comes with it, we will always find that fixes are temporary and quickly revert back to their old patterns after we stop.
What to Expect:
- Authentic Intuitive Coaching Sessions: Kris will be your guide, your sounding board, and your biggest cheerleader. With her intuitive guidance and honest approach, she'll help you gain clarity, set clear objectives and support your journey with custom meditations and practices.
- Energy Healing Magic: Brace yourself for some serious energy work. Kris will harness her unique blend of energy healing modalities to help you release old baggage, restore balance, and unleash your inner badass. Get ready to feel lighter, more aligned, and more connected than ever before.
- Custom Made Support Tools: Guided meditations, practices, and processes are an essential part of every practicum. You will get homework, it will stretch you and leave you with the space to settle
- In-Person Intensives: There is an option for an in-person intensive at Talumeria, Kristina’s 60-acre farm and retreat in middle Georgia for a deeper level of intensive healing.
Big-Self Guarantee:
If you have worked with Kristina before, you know that when you talk, you talk in your Big-Selves. It is like taking off the small, personal self-suit and hanging it up for the hour that you are looking at all the possibilities. What is the Big Self, it is the eternal part of you, what some call the spirit, allowed to come into the body and talk freely without restraint. Nothing is too-crazy to say, we cultivate a space where magic is real.
Ready to Join?
Kristina is opening up a small number of spaces for practicums in the next few months, so spaces are limited. Kristina is committed to providing personalized attention and support. If you're ready to ditch the excuses, break free from limitations, and step into your authentic power, now is the time to act.