Practicums Designed for 3, 6, or 12 months
A Short Story of a Human
We came to earth in this life with a spark inside of us. As we developed in early childhood, this spark grew into a flame, fueled by our loved ones and forming stories of our life. As infants and toddlers, we knew how to feed this flame using the wonder of existence, the experience of emotion, and the fluidity of being.
But as we grew, for many of us the flame has sputtered and become dim. We found different sources of light or shadows on the wall and forgot about the need to experience all aspects of humanness in order to keep our fire strong. We exchanged the strength of the flame for intellect or power or other aspects of our humanness that felt bright but exhausted us over time and left us feeling empty in our pursuits.
Perhaps in our search, we became aware that there is another larger light that felt outside of us, a place of unending joy and happiness, so we sought to leave our light and seek this larger light source.
But, like a moth to the flame, we failed to see that only by seeking to fan the flame within could be truly experience this greater light of joy every day in the very fabric of our being.
As humans, we have sought the heat and light from the sources, and failed to see the light within ourselves or we have not known how to access it except through the mind. But the mind alone cannot access the flame, cannot feed it. The entire ecosystem of the body is needed to fan the flame into a bonfire that reaches to the heavens. -
Our Purpose Together
We came to earth to embody, and it is time to explore and experience what it means to fan the flame within.
The flame from the story is our ecosystem in total embodied balance. What is our ecosystem? It is the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and their spiritual counterparts.
This practicum is designed for us to explore intellectually, experientially, and subconsciously each of these six accessible body systems that exist within our beings and balance them in order to optimize and enjoy the experience of being.
Another analogy, imagine our bodies are vehicles driving down a highway. In our minds we are motorcycles, weaving and out of interactions deftly with our minds and physical bodies. In reality, we are Class A campers with three trailers linked behind us. We cannot operate in life fully as a human without understanding and optimizing the unique energy footprint that we possess. When we try to weave in and out of traffic with this Frankensteinian vehicle we smash into anything and everything and only feel it when it escalates to the point of conscious conflict, hurt, disease, and illness.
In our work together, we will identify the different parts to understand our energetic footprints and then we will begin to repair the damage of a lifetime of smashing into other people, places and objects in ignorance. -
Practices & Diagnostic Tools
Each of these body systems has characteristics and properties that can be separated and identified and balanced within the system of the whole. For all practicums, the number one emphasis is on identifying your supremely unique balances and imbalances within your system of bodies and working together to counteract and heal them.
We will use the following methodologies for the diagnostics and balancing of systems.
Conscious (Seen):
-Behavior analysis
-Feelings analysis
-Synchronicities analysis
-Analysis of Memory and cognitive distortions
-Debate (similar to a form of Jnana Yoga)
-Homework to cultivate experiences of balance
Subconscious (Unseen):
-Psychic assessment of internal homeostasis
-Guided meditation journeys
-Past life regressions
-Energy Healing sessions & clearings
-Dream states
…and more -
Practicum Design
In all practicums, the initial focus is on understanding your specific energetic ecosystem and working to fully embody yourself with full access and use of your energetic ecosystem.
We will have an initial 2-hr discovery session to dive into diagnostics for balances and imbalances in your particular system.
Within a week you will receive a plan for the practicum that emphasizes the particular methodologies and concentrations while still allowing for inspiration to help guide the practicum.
We will meet every other week for 1 hr session. Each 1-hour session will include a catch-up and either a problem-solving session or a guided process to unlock that week’s topic.
Homework is assigned that is based on what came up that week, or what has come up in the course of study, as well as experiential and theoretical learning to expand the understanding of our ecosystems. Examples include spending an afternoon running karmic errands, playing with and understanding emotional realities, and developing intuitive gifts.
Each unique practicum is designed with you in mind. During our initial discovery session, we will determine what are the best and most potent methodologies for your healing and learning. Some example patterns are below:
Two Examples:
1. Immutable Law Pattern: For those who have a strong intellectual understanding of the world and its contents, there is a benefit to bringing up a different form of debate in order to uncover those governing forces that are immutable. We can discover those things that are cognitive distortions from this life and past lives in order to create a more hospitable environment for which to enter our emotional bodies. The approach is based on the pattern that those who are extremely capable intellectually oftentimes have imbalances in the use of their emotional bodies. We have to enter the intellect in order to access the emotional due to habituated lack of access.
2. Hierarchy Disassembly Pattern: Many people see that they have hierarchies that are built into their belief systems - whether it is merit-based or birth-circumstance, these hierarchies act over time to compartmentalize and segregate us from aspects of our subconscious that are unprocessed and prevent us from being fully embodied.
For the 6 & 12-month practicums depending on the work to be done to balance the bodies you can choose any of the following concentrations:
-Development of emotional receptivity and intuitive gifts
-Application of energetic ecosystem to businesses for optimal health
-Tapping into the creative consciousness for an endless source of ideas
-Development of purpose and identity (Divine Masculine)
-Processing of past and future grief, anger and emotion for the collective (Divine Feminine)
-Ascension and purposeful death work (includes lucid dreaming practices)
-Alleviation & healing of attachment wounds
-Development of devotion to the self (depth of love practice)
-Certification as an Embodied Balance Practioner in energy healing (6-month commitment in addition to initial work 3 or 6-month practicum) -
The outcome of this work is a deep fulfillment of your humanness in this incarnation. We are beings capable of enacting dramatic and sweeping energetic change and when we base those changes on immutable laws such as love as the basis of all things and we actually embody those aspects, we are unstoppable. When we act from a place that refuses to bypass our humanness, we become capable of real success.
This work asks so much of us and requires work, similar to getting an engine back in proper working order. However, the end goal is always the cessation of doing, in favor of being. We are not here to constantly heal and wait for the next shoe to drop or process to undertake, we are here to be fully embodied and experience the ecstasy of greater spirit while in a body. For when we are fully embodied with all our systems online, we bring heaven to earth.
The outcome of this work is deep and long-lasting. Every person that I have worked with for more than six sessions has reported that they have overcome significant long-standing aberrant behaviors and found fulfillment in their lives. This practicum seeks to focus that effort for compounded results.
Some of these successes include the following:
-Dissolution of intimacy issues that prevented long-lasting love commitments
-Improvement of communications with loved ones
-Healing of generational trauma
-Clearing of houses and spaces
-Ability to tap into innate healing talents
-Happiness that doesn’t seek to sustain itself, but is self-sustaining.
-Quantum leaps in understanding the nature of the universe through developing channeling abilities and partaking in channeling experiences.
-Cessation of the management of emotions as if they are unwelcome visitors at your perpetual house party.
-Experiential, deep self-love
-Transcendence and development of intuitive abilities long forgotten.
In our time together we seek to heal and realize our wholeness, targeting each system to create balance and bring all your energetic systems online. That is the mechanism, but the change feels like having your hands untied from behind your back and experiencing your divinity right here at home, in your body.
What to expect when getting started