prep for Week 3

Choosing your villain


This week we will be combining several different inputs to inform our choice about which villain to move through to redemption.
You may already know which Villain you would like to move forward. This exercise may confirm your decision or you could find that it opens up the possibility and changes the perspective slightly on which one you would like to pursue. In week 3 session, we will be breaking into work out sessions for anyone that feels confused about which way to move forward.

How to fill out each section:

Column 1: Inner Villain Quiz or Primal Wounds

  • Inner Villain Quiz Results:

  • Primal Wounds Playlist for TSF:

column 2: Origin Villains

  • Our origin villains can provide negative role models for us if they are people that we are exposed to as children or growing up. Origin villains can also be events or consistent influences on us that clue us into ways that we could be.

  • Take the homework from last week’s section to input

column 3: Human Design

  • The 9 centers of human design dovetail exceptionally well into the villain work because when we have an undefined (uncolored in the bodygraph) that leaves us open to conditioning. Villainy and magical thinking are exceptionally close to the experience of conditioning our undefined centers.

  • It is important to note that many of us have A LOT of open or undefined centers (I have 5) and in previous shadow work, we may have deconditioned them. This would mean that shading them in

  • Conditioning in one of these centers is the equivalent of sitting in an art class where the still life is obscured from you, so you start to amplify and copy the artwork of everyone around. Without the view of the original still-life, you are opening yourself to the interpretations of the artist that surrounds you. By addressing our villainy we take part in actively deconditioning our centers, meaning that we stop unknowingly copying and amplifying everywhere else’s interpretations of energy.

  • Here is a reference for easily understanding what addictions each of these undefined centers can drop us into:

  • You will receive an email from Kristina with each of your undefined centers.

column 4: Enneagram

  • The Enneagram is another tool in our toolbox for helping us understand the most prominent villain for us as this moment. I have moved through multiple enneagram numbers in my life, and not as wings or places of growth or stress (if you don’t understand the depths of the Enneagram, you don’t need to worry about these deeper assessments). The Enneagram has been one of the most effective tools to help me understand my villainy.

  • Click here to discover your Enneagram type.