Prep for Week 1: Understanding Villainy
This week we will be understanding the drama triangle, and looking at the full picture of villainy as a mega parts system capable of enacting huge shifts within us.
Prep Work:
Journal Prompts: These can be put into a journal or your notes. Sometimes I will ask them as questions during the sessions.
What role have you traditionally taken in the Drama Triangle?
What are the common voices of negative self-talk you hear in your head?
Who keeps you in line? Is it a part? An inner voice? Your “mind” or thoughts?
How much time and what prompts you to move roles in the drama triangle?
Why are you joining this course? What are you hoping to get out of it?
Review the resources on the right.
The Drama Triangle:
Understanding the Drama Triangle Video
Music Accompaniment:
Talkin about a revolution: Tracy Chapman
Bad Romance: Lady Gaga
Maybe Tomorrow, Stereophonics
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John