The Voldemort aka The Divisive safety fiend

The Divisive Power Seeker, also known as the Voldemort, is a fictional character from the Harry Potter series. Voldemort is a dark and powerful wizard who seeks to dominate the magical world and achieve immortality. He is known for his ruthless and divisive tactics, as well as his desire for ultimate power.

Voldemort's pursuit of power is driven by his fear of death and his belief in his own superiority. He creates a sense of fear and division among the wizarding community, manipulating others to serve his own interests. His actions are characterized by cruelty, manipulation, and a disregard for the well-being of others.

Throughout the series, Voldemort's divisive nature and lust for power create conflict and turmoil. He seeks to control and subjugate others, sowing discord and dividing society. However, his actions ultimately lead to his downfall as the forces of good unite against him.

The character of the Divisive Power Seeker serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking power at the expense of unity and compassion. It highlights the destructive consequences of division and the importance of standing against those who use power for selfish and divisive purposes.

The Divisive Safety Fiend

  • seeks safety in any form and with any price it doesn’t matter if they ruin relationships as long as they

  • They are the embodiment of the Injustice Wound so rigidly believe that their way of viewing the world is the best and only way because anything that isn’t their way, isn’t safe.

  • This leads to divisiveness in seeking followers and friends who back up their views only and don’t challenge their position.

  • Deep down this Inner Villain is deeply afraid of death or harm coming to themselves or their loved ones.

The Voldemort is ultimately concerned with power, primarily the power of avoiding death. What this translates into for muggles is the desire to keep all of their loved ones safe from harm caused by external sources but unable to see that this overprotectiveness is harm of its own kind. The cautious individuals show signs of this villain tend to be slow to trust, and exceptionally hypervigilant. 

In Harry Potter, Voldemort seeks to gain as much power as possible and recognizes that he can capitalize on the existing desire of a group to have non "pure blood" witches and wizards removed from the community in order to gain that power. Ultimately, Voldemort is terrified of death and is willing to divide his own soul in order to avoid death.

Symptoms of this Villain: 

-Injustice Wound

-Human Design: Undefined Splenic Center

-Enneagram 6

-Seeks to divide and triangulate

-Exceptionally loyal to those who prove trustworthy or follow them

-Often rigid about their principles 


Stage 0: Origin Villain

  • A parent who was overly concerned about safety or made you feel unsafe

  • A role model who emphasized that certain people were worthy of protection or power but others were not.

Stage 1: Internalization

  • Negation Examples: “The world is unsafe” “I am different” “The world is painful”

  • May be hypervigilant in an effort to think of all possible scenarios

Stage 2: Diversification

  • Persecutor Villain

  • Will likely lash out at anyone they perceive as harming them or their family

  • Will staunchly defend their position and be rigidly opposed to anything else

  • Will tell people about how likely they are to get hurt doing something and constantly remind others that the world is unsafe.

Stage 3: Externalization

  • Will justify any level of harm or brutality in order to protect the people that they deem important and not others.

  • This could include a group based on race, gender, sexual orientation, ablelism, or even between children by perceiving that one child needs their protection from the other.

Information about Voldemort:

Other Resources:

  • Lundy’s Description: Rambo

    Aggressive and patriarchal. Holding to a misogynistic and traditionalist view of what a man should be, seeing femininity as weak, emotional, and in need of protection.

    Disdainful of vulnerability. You might feel safe and protected at first. Yet, his violent tendencies toward strangers will fall upon his loved ones eventually, lacks any sort of respect toward women, combine that with his aggressive personality and this makes domestic violence a very likely possibility.

    To be clear, not all masculine traits fall under the "Rambo" umbrella. Many men enjoy lifting, rugby, hunting, and other aspects of stereotypical masculinity all while being friendly and respectful toward their loved ones and the people around them. What makes Rambo special is his misogynistic views, violent tendencies and a "might makes right" mentality.
